
Monday, March 31, 2014

A Rocky Wood-Chip off the old block...

For me, one of the unexpected rewards of blogging has been the occassional opportunity to see someone physically remote but similarly inclined, make use of something they saw posted here.  This has happened a few times over the 3-1/2 or so years since I started this blog, but never before quite like this...

A fellow colonial wargamer named Randy Fung, better known to some on TheMiniaturesPage as Rdfraf, based up in Fresno, California, built some rocky wood-chip hills using the method I've illustrated and described here several times over the past couple of years.  Randy is one of the driving forces behind a longstanding Indian Mutiny campaign game which has been running for years, featuring beautiful armies, impressive terrain, and slickly-produced After-Action Reports.  I've never met him, nor had the chance to see any of his troops or terrain in person, but hopefully I'll manage that some day.

Here's a LINK to the thread on TheMiniaturesPage where Randy first posted these pics...


...and here's a LINK to the Yahoo Group dedicated to the aforementioned Indian Mutiny campaign, which the Mandanpur Pass game was part of:


Seeing these pics and then learning that they were inspired by work displayed here gave me a great feeling and put a big smile on my face, so thanks to Randy for sharing his efforts with the wargaming public!

See and enjoy for yourself...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sergeant, 72nd Duke of Albany's Highlanders, Afghanistan 1879 - G.I. Joe style...

Long-time readers of this humble blog may recall the first time I presented the Second Afghan War-related 1/6th scale work of artist and master model-maker Tony Barton -- famous in 15mm-18mm Napoleonic circles as the sculptor behind the highly-regarded AB Figures range.

Needless to say, the Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders are my favorite British regiment from the Second Afghan War, and I had hoped one day to see the incredibly-talented Mr. Barton, who is also a fan of the Regiment, turn his attention to creating a soldier from this unit, and I have to say the results are quite spectacular, as you can see below...

There is more to be seen, including some very interesting reference images -- a contemporary photo and a sketch made by a Sergeant from the regiment -- which can all be seen & read about via this LINK to ""...

Sergeant, 72nd Highlanders, Afghanistan, 1879 - G.I. Joe style

PS  The 72nd Highlanders were present at the Oct. 6th battle of Charasiab, and I hope to have a new post on a small addition to my terrain layout for that battle very soon.  I'm all done with the piece, but still need to find time to upload the pics!