
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Colonel Galbraith leads remnants of the 66th (Berkshire) Regt. to make their Last Stand in one of the walled gardens of Khig...


  1. I see that you've changed your "masthead" photo . . . it is a good one too.

    -- Jeff

  2. This is Milton Soong from the old S&S days. Nick asked me to join you guys but I just launched a startup so do not have the time. The game looks awesome!

  3. Thanks for noticing, Jeff!

    To be honest, it was a little hard for me to change that "masthead" pic -- I loved it so much and thought it perfectly summed up the "constructing the terrain" aspect of this project, which was the center-point of "Maiwand Day" for me over the past few months.

    But having finished the boards and spent an entire fantastic day refighting the battle with a large group of wargamers, I decided it was time to move on. Glad you like the new pic!

    Hi, Milton!

    Thanks for your comment. As I said to Nick after first learning you two are friends, to me (and no doubt many others) you qualify as colonial wargaming Royalty, up there with the likes of Doug Johnson, and Lynn Bodin. Savage & Soldier was a wonderful magazine that served a great purpose. On the 130th Anniversary of Maiwand Day, I wore my 20th Anniversary 1965-1985 "Savage & Soldier" t-shirt (which I'm happy to say, still fits me, a quarter-century later).

    It would have been great to meet you, MIlton, but even just knowing you are a fan of this project fills me with unadulterated glee!
