
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

66th converts back from Igor the painter...

Received my Pontoonier Third Burma War British Infantry w/helmet conversions to make them better resemble the 66th Regiment (Berkshire) at Maiwand. As usual, Igor did a wonderful job, as you can see for yourself:

(click on photos to enlarge them to full size)

These guys will be playing the part of the 66th Regiment's component of Major John Ready's BAGGAGE GUARD on Maiwand Saturday at the upcoming COLONIAL BARRACKS TSATF convention in New Orleans. They will be joined by elements of Jacob's Rifles and the Bombay Grenadiers, as well as a small cavalry component.


  1. Great additions to your collection MG!
    Igor did a great job on those, haven't any pontoonier in my collections yet must change that after seeing these.

    Best wishes


  2. Hi, Willie,

    Very nice to read your comment! Must say I agree wholeheartedly, Igor did do a great job on these! I only wish I'd managed to find the time to convert the rest of them, so they could serve as the main element of the 66th rather than just the baggage guard, at the upcoming convention I'm bringing "Maiwand Day" to. Still, I'm happy I got these done in time be there on the table in some capacity.

    The other Pontoonier figures to consider are their Gurkhas from the same 3rd Burma War range, which are also quite nice. I love the old Foundry Sikhs, Guides, Mounted Bengal Lancers and Mounted Guides, but I've always thought their Gurkhas were a bit lacking (I still have a unit of them though!). Pontoonier's Gurkhas are a it nicer IMHO. I've always wanted to raise Burmese regular army forces for the 3rd Burma War. Pontoonier make it feasible, without a need for endless head-swap conversions. One other thing to note is that Pontoonier also carry British infantry in in Glengarries rather than foreign service helmets.
