
Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I'm happy to report the day has arrived: I've completed the last rocky wood-chip hill required for my Charasiab lay-out, and perhaps the last such hill I'll ever build for my Afghan War/NWF gaming purposes.  As usual, I took a ton of Work-In-progress pics, but work at the work-place continues to be insane, and I just got done with that for today, and it's now coming up on 2:00am Pacific Time, so I'm just going to put up a handful of celebratory pics showing the finished product, which I actually completed yesterday, which was also my wife's birthday.  I honestly did a good job organizing the family celebration, in addition to finishing the paint job on this giant hill.  I'm happy to report my wife enjoyed her birthday a great deal -- and was even a bit impressed with the hill.

Occupied by a pair of Afghan regular artillery batteries -- 6 guns with 4 crewmen each -- and a host of Tribal riflemen...

Slightly closer view of the same...


  1. great work a stunning bit of terrain.
    Peace James

  2. Thank you, James, Phil, and Simon, I do appreciate you guys taking the time to post your comments! Hopefully I'll have a bunch more pics of this hill posted soon...

  3. Really nice hill, sir. Fantastic work!
