
Friday, January 3, 2020

Vauban F&IW scenic views

HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all!

I've been busy over the Holidays, with family, work, and... YES, hobby stuff.  All the hobby stuff has been more work on the Vauban fortress as well as a good amount of SIEGE WORKS to go with it -- or more accurately, against it.  I'm preparing another post on the siege works, but in the meantime I hope you enjoy these 100 or so pics showcasing scenic views in and around the fortress:


  1. Great glamour shots! It's great to see the grand painting job hit the table in such a fabulous fashion.

  2. Great stuff

    French Wargame Holidays

  3. Thanks very much for the comments you guys! After better part of 2 years unable to post here on my own blog, I just solved the problem, so I'm happy to be able to say THANK YOU! ...and also I should now be able to visit fellow bloggers and leave some comments for them too! Oh the excitement!!!

    1. Wow, how annoying has that been? Welcome back to the ranks of the commentary!

    2. In fact, daveb my friend, it has been VERY ANNOYING INDEED!!!! Most of all being unable to reply to the kind and generous comments left here, unable to answer questions from visitors, and unable to DELETE those awful junk-bot spam comments, often left by escort services in India and Eastern Europe! I am now happily sweeping the place clean of them as fast as my fingers can hit "DELETE"!
