Above is a pic of Lt. Colonel James Galbraith, Regimental Colour in hand, alongside Bobbie the regimental dog and some of the other "Last Eleven" survivors of the 66th (Berkshire) Regiment, making their last stand in one of the walled gardens just South of Khig village, a few miles West of the Afghan town of Maiwand.

Monday, July 27, 2020

10 YRS ON MAIWANDDAY GETS A NEW HOME - plus Info on Afghan/NWF Flags

Greetings valued visitors to this humble hobby blog,

Today, July 27th, 2020, is the 140th Anniversary of the Battle of Maiwand.

It's hard for me to believe it's been a decade since a bunch of friends (foremost among them Nick Stern from Northern California, who I had never met in person before he showed up for the game!) and myself, plus my three at the time very young children and some of their friends, played our original Maiwand refight game.  Over the intervening decade this hobby blog, though it's ebbed and flowed, has taken a substantial portion of my time and effort.  Blogger has its good parts and its bad parts, and a few years ago I reached a point where I really wanted to move away from it and onto a site of my own.  I asked my daughter Isabella to do this for me.  One COVID-19 induced endless Spring Break later, Izzy has come through.  It took awhile but she was busy, first finishing her Senior year and graduating from high school, then attending West Point for 2 years.  She arrived back at school this morning and I'm introducing Maiwand Day's new home to the hobby world today, and announcing a big THANK YOU, IZZY!!! to the world as well.

If all goes well with the new site this will be the last new post here on MaiwandDay.blogspot.com but fear not, news of the continuing preparations for, and then playing of, the big upcoming BATTLE OF KANDAHAR aka: BABA WALI GAME will continue over on MaiwandDay.com

Speaking of which, if you'd like to visit the new digs, here's a handy LINK:


The first new post over there is a compilation of info on mostly 19th Century Afghan and North-West Frontier MILITARY FLAGS.  This is a subject I've found to be challenging on the research front, so I'm glad to make the results of my own humble research on it available to anyone/everyone else who may be interested. 

Here's one sample of illustration -- it's by J.N. Karafin and titled: "Mullah preaching war against the Russians":


  1. What a wonderful new home, you must be delighted? Is there a way that one can 'follow' the new site?

    1. That, my friend, is a very good question. I will try to find the answer and return to post it here when and if I -- hopefully -- do. Meanwhile I'm very glad to hear you like the new place!

  2. I bookmarked the new site right away, old chap. Here's to many more years recounting your gaming adventures in Afghanistan's hills and plains.

    1. Thanks, AJ, glad to hear you found the new site appealing! And thanks for the well wishes for the future, which I return back at you and your own gaming!

  3. Nice looking new blog! Useful looking flags and info,good luck with it, I hope you will leave this blog up as a valuable resource!
    Best Iain

  4. I certainly will be leaving this site as-is, at least for the foreseeable future, and thanks for referring to it as a valuable resource! NOTE: almost every post on this site -- every one up until the past few months -- is now available for view on the new site as well. Before too much longer they should also all be categorized into sub-topics and tagged, making it easy to locate or search for particular info.
