Above is a pic of Lt. Colonel James Galbraith, Regimental Colour in hand, alongside Bobbie the regimental dog and some of the other "Last Eleven" survivors of the 66th (Berkshire) Regiment, making their last stand in one of the walled gardens just South of Khig village, a few miles West of the Afghan town of Maiwand.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Maiwand Day blogger INTERVIEWED on "20 Sided Gamified Podcast"

This is a post I never expected to put on this blog: as it says in the title above, I was recently interviewed on the 20 Sided Gamified podcast and it was posted this past Friday.  I would have come here to promote it to the world-at-large sooner BUT I was too busy helping set up the HMGS-PSW Mini-Wars convention and then setting up the insanely large (36 ft x 7.5 ft) "A BRIDGE TOO FAR" game I helped my buddy the GM otherwise known as Nappy Anonymous run on Saturday all day and night and for 3 hours Sunday morning!

Still, I had to come and advertise it before too much time passed, since it's a hobby podcast!

Here's a LINK for anyone interested:


The podcast is run by a gamer named Jared Fishman who I'd never met before I agreed to be interviewed, but who I now consider a bit of a younger brother from another mother, as he and I share a lot of interests and some geography from our pasts.  He won an award at this year's Historicon for a beautiful looking NWF game he ran, and which he was kind enough to credit me for inspiring the terrain for.

Here's just a few pics of the set-up for his game, which seriously impressed me:

My sincere thanks to Jared and his scintillating co-host Kelly Jones McManus for taking the time to interview me, which turned out to be a lot of fun, at least for me.  I hope his audience enjoys it, at least somewhat.  I think my "niche" of the hobby is somewhat narrow, though we spent a lot of time talking about more general hobby stuff and then towards the end he asked me about some work stuff and I went off and told a story I maybe should not have, but at this point I'm old enough to not really care about that sort of thing, as I wasn't leaking national security secrets or talking trash about innocents who didn't deserve it.  I won't say more, so if you're intrigued you'll have to go listen to me talk about hobby stuff for awhile before I get to the "tea" as my 20-something daughters would call it.

First chance I get to spend the time required I will be back with a more detailed AAR on the Operation Market Garden mega-game I helped run down at Mini-Wars, but it may be awhile as work is heating up and the Jewish High Holy Days are just around the corner.  Meanwhile I send my sincere Best Wishes to all visitors to this blog!  If no one stopped by to read it, I would have stopped posting here many years ago, and then I would never have been interviewed by Jared Fishman on the 20 Sided Gamified Podcast, which was a lot of fun, so THANK YOU for making it possible!

Last but far FAR from least I must thank my buddy Frank "'Bama" Patterson without whom Jared would never have tracked me down.  Frank is an incredibly talented figure painter and scratchbuilt terrain builder and has a very cool Instagram account dedicated almost entirely to his hobby activity.  He posted some pics of a game he played at my place.  Jared happens to follow Frank's Instagram page and those pics caught his eye and led him to reach out to Frank and ask Frank to reach out to me.  Kind of a game of digital age telephone that ended up paying off in a good way.  So THANK YOU, Frank, for enabling me to launch my hobby celebrity status!

Here's a handy LINK to Frank's Instagram page, which I highly recommend checking out if you have any interest in cool minis and/or terrain:


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